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2011-04-06: Rates on the rise, but are they here to stay?
2011-03-25: Thing that fixer-upper is a steal? Think again
2011-03-04: Mortgage Agents Aren't Bad, But There Are Bad Agents.
2011-02-23: Consider the advantages of refinancing your mortgage.
2011-02-10: First time Homebuyers have some distict advantages.
2011-02-07: A Mortgage Primer for Newcomers to Canada

Terms Posted Rate (%)* Our Rate (%)* Difference (%) Savings Over Term Savings Per Year
5 - Yr Fixed 5.49 3.80 1.69 N/A N/A
5 - Yr Variable 3.00 2.25 0.75 N/A N/A
Open 3.00 3.50 -0.50 N/A N/A
1 - Yr Fixed 3.50 2.64 0.86 N/A N/A
2 - Yr Fixed 3.95 3.30 0.65 N/A N/A
3 - Yr Fixed 4.45 3.35 1.10 N/A N/A
4 - Yr Fixed 5.09 3.64 1.45 N/A N/A
7 - Yr Fixed 6.49 4.79 1.70 N/A N/A
10 - Yr Fixed 6.85 4.99 1.86 N/A N/A

* Rates may vary provincially and are subject to change without notice OAC.